Art Design, drawn by Line
My name is William Rowan and I am completely at your service when it comes to creating customized pieces in acrylic incorporating different styles and a wide range of colors and textures of only the highest quality.
If you are searching for an artist, illustrator or cartoonist with stylish and innovative ideas who produces unique, elegant and personalized works of art... Look no Further. Allow me to introduce myself. Added to which I am also specialized in creating works ranging from small modest sketches to large wall murals including commercial interiors. My ultimate goal is to ensure the complete satisfaction of each and every client. I therefore welcome you to my site and sincerely hope that you too will enjoy the unique experience of my creations...
I, William Rowan was born on April 23rd, 1985 in Leiden in The Netherlands and completed my studies at the Da Vinci College. Soon thereafter, I began putting brush to canvas in a professional capacity. Over the years I have become specialized in various acrylic painting techniques, abstract, surrealism, pop-art, portraits and childrens' characters. With years of experience behind me, my passion for art is the driving force behind my creations and this very passion manifests itself on the canvas each time I pick up a brush. I have always adopted a professional approach to my work and take it very seriously. Having said that, I have always felt from deep within that I was truly born to create art. Each work I produce is completely unique partly due to combining colors and textures but above all because of my love of art and the emotions I express in each and every creation. I have always striven to be the very best that I can in all I do in life but especially when it comes to my work. In 2018, I was happy and excited to join the American Art Awards. My motivation was, to show my work to another part of the world and to place it next to the other artists. Surprised I won and thankful, but it's a boost to continue coloring in the world with my art.
1st Place - World's Best Pop Art AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2021 - Soulmate Coloring In The Globe - 60x60cm.
6th Place - Tie. Portrait Of Someone Famous AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2020 - Live, Work, Pose (Pose Series Netflix) - 90x120cm.
5th Place - Tie. World's Best Pop Art AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2019 - Tolerance, Love, Acceptance... (Conchita Wurst) - 50x50cm.
3rd Place - Tie. World's Best Cubists Per AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2018 - Las Lineas del Amor - 100x150cm.
More About Me
The visual fine arts of drawing, painting and sculpture are best understood first last and always as a language; a visual language. It was developed and preserved first and foremost as a meaning of communication very much like spoken and written languages. And like language it is successful if communication takes place and it is unsuccessful if it does not.
I see painting as an act of illumination, of working through the darkness to the light. Light is a great revealer of things. When you’re alive you should be celebrating light.” That statement has resonated with me. I find it fascinating that there are in life these moments when you realize that something important is happening; that an experience will never be reproduced; that it will fade and be forgotten, never to be reclaimed, unless you paint it.
To have the ability and have attained the skill to paint that kind of moment, to record that kind of revelation, is insanely wonderful.There are as many ways to start a painting as there are temperaments. I find it helpful to divide the painting process into its varying components: composition, drawing and value. generally worked on in that order. The most important component is drawing. My aim is that the drawing is accurate and well conceived. Next, I work on unifying the values so that the dark areas provide a context for the lights. Usually I spend several days working on the composition. Then I draw directly on the canvas. When the composition is done well enough for me, I'll start painting. There's no detail I will left out. 'I paint what I am seeing!'
If I sense a color, which matters, I put it in. It matters, seeing the color as it is catching a glimmer of it out of the corner of my eye. For my work, I need preparation, time and patience. I continue as long it's needed to finally achieve my own satisfaction. Once I am there, I put the final on coating, to prepare it for my costumer.
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6th Place - Tie. Portrait Of Someone Famous AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2020 - Live, Work, Pose (Pose Series Netflix) - 90x120cm 5th Place World's Best Pop Art Per AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2019 - Tolerance, Love, Acceptance... (Conchita Wurst) - 50x50cm 3rd Place-Tie World's Best Cubists Per AMERICAN ART AWARDS 2018 - Las Lineas del Amor / The Lines of Love - 100x150cm Visit at the Studios from Telecinco, program Salvame, delivering painting "Alta Voces En Colores" Press release from EuropaPress: "Las Cuevas de Hércules de Toledo acogerán la exposición 'Volver Al Cine' " -
Expressions in MosaicsIn the works selected for this exhibition, I combine different shades of colors to create emotions, light and dynamism. From a technical point of view I represent everything that surround us as if it were a puzzle game, where each piece of the puzzle has a different form but at the end all elements fit together as one piece.
Lugar: Centro Juvenil: El Sitio de mi Recreo.
Calle Real de Arganda, 39-41 Madrid, España. Fecha: 01/Mar al 31/Mar de 2017.
Back To CinemaThrough this exhibition you will enjoy my works inspired by films from cinema. The characters of these exciting films teach us lessons that will help us to overcome obstacles, to be brave and not to be afraid of anything. They also teach us the importance of hard work and never giving up..
Place: La Cueva de Hercules.
Street, Callejón San Ginés 3, 45001 Toledo, Spain. Date: 10/Feb until 03/Mar 2017
Powerful WomenAn exhibition about women through history In developing countries literacy has been on the rise, education and communication has been critical in ensuring women to understand their rights and provide protection against violence and discrimination.
Place: Oficina Municipal de Información Social.
Street, Juan Pantoja 2, Madrid, Spain. Date: 03/Oct/2016
DiversityThis exhibition brings together projects from various disciplines design, art and visual activism that are created by me, William Rowan. The exhibition title 'Diversity' refers to the message I like to spread “Acceptance, Tolerance and Respect,” reflected in a variety of my styles. Have yourself a great cup of coffee and enjoy viewing my works in Cafetaria Mama Ines.
Place: Bar Mama Ines.
Calle Hortaleza 22 (Chueca), Madrid, Spain. Fecha: Mar - May/2015.
The colors of InmigrationThis exhibition is composed by a variety of my work. I am representing my expression in various works. With my passion for color, emotions and feelings that other countries and cultures awaken in me. The works were created by using techniques in acrylics on canvas and pencil for my drawings.
Place: Oficina Municipal de Información Social.
Street, Juan Pantoja 2, Madrid, Spain. Date: 18/Dec/2014
The Colors of my Love...An exhibition with 65 pieces of my work: portraits, abstracts and a variety of different styles, which are expressing 'The Colors of My Love ...'
Place: Wellant-College, The Netherlands. Date: 9-10/Dec/2005.
PORTRAITSArtistic creativity. In the history of art, realism has been specifically associated with well-defined creative methods. Although these methods are interrelated by a degree of continuity, each of them possesses its own characteristic properties. READ MORE
SURREALISMSurrealism in literature can be defined as an artistic attempt to bridge together reality and the imagination. Surrealists seek to overcome the contradictions of the conscious and unconscious minds by creating unreal or bizarre stories full of juxtapositions.
FUNNY FACESAbstracts are made over many centuries, and most of them are differently. “In my Funny Faces I use different colors and techniques together to create crazy expressions..."
PAINTED MOSAICS“In those works I combine different shades of colors together to create the emotion. The interesting part of it is, how the subjects like puzzles and fruits helps bringing the different colors to a unique colour.”
EYES AND LIPS"Eyes are the mirrors of the soul..."
There’s no person in the world who doesn’t know this common wisdom, which is actually quite true. Eyes are the most expressive part of the human face, they reveal our feelings and our state of spirit. If we tell lies, eyes can reveal the truth, if we feel happy, eyes start to glow. READ MORE
VARIOUSTheatre or theater is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place.
STYLES FOR CHILDRENWhat better way to inspire the imagination of a child than to put beautiful, creative images on the walls they see everyday?
DRAWINGS WITH PENCILMy works with pencil are fine in every detail. I try to use different lines and shades to create a warm look to explain itself in the final result.
DRAWINGS WITH BALLPOINT"I draw on critical realism to explain emotions and expressions. Faces are the basic part of the human body and can display a wide variety of emotions."
CARICATURES"The word 'caricature' essentially means a 'loaded portrait'. I think caricatures and cartoons are the same thing."
An Ocean Filled With Art 2019Resume with pictures of my work 2014Calendar (Cover)Personalized Calendar -
Contact Information
William RowanMadrid - Spain
Mobile: +34 626124791
Email: rowanartworks@hotmail.com
Follow Me On Social Media:
Instagram: williamrowanwr
Facebook: facebook.com/RowanArtworks
Twitter: @rowanartworks
Patreon: patreon.com/williamrowan
Youtube: William Rowan Artworks
I sincerely appreciate it if you are interested in having me create a portrait painting or drawing for yourself or to give as a gift. I refer to your recent or older photos, perhaps one of a loved one who has passed away.
It's easy to commission a portrait:
- Just send a favorite photo or photos
- Tell me what you have in mind
- I will create your portrait and ship it to your door
- On my page Styles you can make the choice which matches best with you.
Artistic Creativity.
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In the history of art, realism has been specifically associated with well-defined creative methods. Although these methods are interrelated by a degree of continuity, each has its own characteristics properties.
The different manifestations of realistic tendencies are found in the various forms and genres of art.
In all my works, I express the characteristic properties and reflect the same mood in the background to make a correct balance. Without a doubt, realistic art has its own personal interpretation and for this reason, I am open to listening to what the client wants. -
TV Program Sálvame
I have been following this wonderful program for several years now and thanks to it, I have learned to speak a little more Spanish, learn a little more about Spanish culture and geography, to spend a fun afternoon and even find it as a source of inspiration for my artistic work.
Although it is the second painting for the show, in this one I would like to explain a little more. The painting is titled 'Loud Voices In Colors' because in the topics of the show or current affairs, the conversations have their own style, different emotions, personalities and so their own range of colors. Although each voice is very unique, the set of all those "voices" with their different "nuances of colors", from my point of view, is the definition of Salvame.
As requested, I made this piece of art with the program's collaborators on it. From the moment I received the list, I was clear about how I wanted to do it and finally, this is the exact result of how I had imagined it. A fun, colorful and lively painting. About the background, I put my personal and artistic touch, with some typical tiles from Spain, Mexico and Portugal, along with the combination of images / shapes of my custom style: “Funny Faces” (Funny Faces).
Through my “Funny Faces”, I want to send a message of acceptance among all human beings and it is the main reason why I would like my works to help spread tolerance and respect regardless of gender, race or social class . And since nobody is perfect and our faces are not identical to each other, in my personalized style, those 'Funny Faces' that I paint have different shapes and colors, that's why I identify with the program, because it also deals with freedom of opinion to express ourselves freely, to laugh or be happy every day, for that reason I combined my own style in the background of the painting.
I used funny expressions and different perspectives on each of the characters, simply because it's what the show does as you watch it, it sometimes makes you laugh and think in a different way. I don't like to do a standard painting, such as portraits with only one background color, because I don't think it suits the people I paint.
The butterfly is considered a symbol of change, joy and color. The butterfly was considered a miracle of transformation and resurrection. ' Related to the power of personal transformation. Finding a butterfly is the sign of the transition from a previous life to a new life, from a state of ignorance to a state of consciousness, from a difficult life to a better life. In many of my paintings you can find them, because for me they also symbolize the difference between what is real and what is not. However, butterflies will perch on anything or anyone regardless of color, so while perching on a painting, take your time and look at what is in the painting and try to understand it.
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Movie “Themed” Paintings
I find inspiration in many places, but I enjoy time spent with my family in the evenings watching a movie. As an artist, I especially enjoy movies that inspire me to grow as an artist. So, I wanted to share with you a collection of my favorite movies that are inspiring for me as an artist. While watching movies, I have spotted some great scenery that has inspired me to pay more attention to composition. The characters in these inspiring movies teach audiences about hardships, overcoming boundaries and being brave and fearless.They also teach us the importance of hard work and never giving up. If you want to achieve a goal, set out a plan for it.
Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t do something. These movies teach us about the simple victories in life.These are movies that will make you happy, get you fired up and create a yearning for wanting to do better and to do more! You’ll have a smile on your face and it will leave you with a positive attitude about life. These movies made me feel grateful for the life I have, they taught me to work harder and make no excuses. I’m certain that they will leave you thinking about yourself in relation to society and how important it is consider aspects of life that sometimes elude us.The early Walt Disney films, such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” were fantasy films. They blended the terrifyingly dark with the whimsical and cheerful in a way that had not been done before.
Followed by the later Disney films, there are many of them that inspires me. Looking at Tim Burton’s films, such as “Edward Scissorhands” and “Alice in Wonderland” are very much alike with Walt Disney, because like Disney, Burton respects both the adult and child audience that goes to his pictures by telling a story that can be enjoyed by anyone of any age. It’s the way Burton combines all the elements that touched him over the years and adds his own unique personal touch to those sights that makes his films so breathtaking to behold; he gives us something old, something familiar, and something completely unexpected.
When you create a painting, you start with an inspiration and sketch it on paper. You then prepare your materials like, brushes, and canvas, and you refine the painting until it’s just right. I follow a similar process with my art. When something inspires me, whether it’s a movie, or picture in a magazine, I sketch it on paper immediatly. Right now I am working on 'movie themed' paintings, with backgrounds of fantasies, depending on which is the one I am creating. Maleficent, is one of my favorite paintings, apart from the movie itself, simply because it's an old fairy tale, with a message.
Tolerance, Love, Acceptance... (Conchita Wurst)
Conchita Wurst came to international attention for winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 as Austria's entrant with the song "Rise like a phoenix".
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“This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in peace and freedom,” Wurst said, brandishing the glass trophy. “You know who you are. We are unity, and we are unstoppable.” Later, in a press conference, she addressed the same message directly to Vladimir Putin.
Conchita is a bearded drag persona created by the Austrian singer and Thomas Neuwirth. Conchita asserted that the inclusion of the beard as part of the Wurst character was a statement to say that you can achieve anything, no matter who you are or how you look. She confounds people’s preconceived ideas of gender and sexuality and she appeals to them to accept her as she is!
Tolerate, Love with Respect and Accept! There's no difference in color, nor in sexual orientation! If you read the reasons for my designs of 'Funny Faces', you will find why this was the perfect combination with the portrait of Conchita Wurst.
Discrimination has no place in the world of the 21st century. I will continue to fight against transphobia and homophobia. I will stand strong for equality. I hope all of you join me! -
Matthew Shepard, Embracing Diversity
My reason for creating this painting is based on the following story...
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Matthew Shepard (Casper (Wyoming), December 1, 1976 - Fort Collins (Colorado), October 12, 1998) was a gay student from the United States who was abused so for its orientation in October 1998 that he died of his injuries in hospital.In 1994 and 1995 he attended an American school in Switzerland. After graduation he returned to the United States and moved to Denver in Colorado. In the same year he enrolled in the study political science at the University of Wyoming.
On the evening of October 7, 1998 Shepard Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson met at the Fireside Lounge in Laramie, Wyoming. After he had told them that he was gay, they took him into their car. On a deserted country road they robbed him, beat him severely and then hung him on a fence. A passenger found him eighteen hours later, unconscious and bleeding; Shepard had a skull fracture that ran from the back of his head to his right ear. His brain stem was so badly damaged that his brain was no longer in the position to regulate its body temperature and heart rate. Shepard was transferred to a hospital in Fort Collins (Colorado), where he was kept artificially alive. On October 12, Matthew Shepard was declared dead. Meanwhile, the police had arrested the two perpetrators after the discovery of a credit card and the shoes of the victim in their truck.
The Matthew Shepard Foundation was founded by Dennis and Judy Shepard in memory of their 21-year old son, Matthew, who was murdered in an anti-gay hate crime in Wyoming in October 1998.
Created to honor Matthew in a manner that was appropriate to his dreams, beliefs, and aspirations, the Foundation seeks to “Replace Hate with Understanding, Compassion, & Acceptance” through its varied educational, outreach and advocacy programs and by continuing to tell Matthew’s story.
An horrific crime of hate. After watching this movie 15 years ago, I felt angry. I didn't understand any of what I had seen! I went on the internet trying to find all kind of information. I created this painting for Judy and Dennis. Worldwide their words, in name of their son, needs to be spread. Hate may not be a reason for crime! We're fighting for rights, equalities and acceptance! We're all the same. Doesn't matter what color of skin or sexual orientation any of us have. Live... and let Live... -
Eyes And Lips
"Eyes are the windows to the soul".
There’s no person in the world who doesn’t know this common wisdom, which is actually quite true. Eyes are the most expressive part of the human face, they reveal our feelings and our state of spirit. If we tell lies, eyes can reveal the truth, if we feel happy, eyes start to glow. Besides the myriad of idioms, poems, songs dedicated to the beautiful human eyes, visual arts have been focused on reproducing them for centuries.
Any of the human body parts, drawing an eye requires substantial skill gotten through meticulous practice. There are so many details in one eye, and to make a realistic drawing, it’s important to render them all. Lips are expressing other kinds of our emotions, they're the way of our communications. As an artist, you have to explain those body parts with tools.go back
Mosaicos Pintados
In this type of work I combine different shades of colors together to create emotion. My spirit of exploration, based on the stories of legends and popular myths, help me to create ideas in any of my works.
The inspiration for my mosaics comes from the different objects and emotions experienced in the places I have visited, where I have collected ideas that lead me to create my painted mosaics.go back
In my "Funny Faces" I use different colors and techniques together to create crazy expressions.
The main message and the reason for these works is to help spread acceptance, tolerance and respect. No one is perfect even if we believe that someone is similar to another, in most faces there are a multitude of differences, shapes and symmetries. Thanks to the exploration in the media and news, I find multiple messages and ideas that over the years I have used to create my works.go back
Theatre or theater is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of speeches, songs, music, dances and arts.
Work I did on several Islands, was for the backgrounds from several stages. Combining the stories, told through performers with my artworks, is ideal for my creativity. My various types, could express realism or fantasies.JOSEPHINE BAKER
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3 June 1906 – 12 April 1975 was an American-born French entertainer, activist, and French Resistance agent. During her early career she was renowned as a dancer. Her performance in the revue 'Un vent de folie' in 1927 caused a sensation in Paris. Her costume, consisting of only a girdle of artificial bananas, became her most iconic image and a symbol of the Jazz Age and the 1920s.
Baker was the first person of color to become a worldwide entertainer and to star in a major motion picture, the 1934 film Zouzou. When she arrived in New York with her husband Jo in the 1950s, they were refused reservations at 36 hotels because of racial discrimination. She was so upset by this treatment that she wrote articles about the segregation in the United States. She also began traveling into the South. She gave a talk on "France, North Africa And The Equality Of The Races In France".
In 1963, she spoke at the March on Washington at the side of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Baker was the only official female speaker. While wearing her Free Frenchuniform emblazoned with her medal of the Légion d'honneur, she introduced the "Negro Women for Civil Rights. After King's assassination, his widow Coretta Scott King approached Baker in the Netherlands to ask if she would take her husband's place as leader of the Civil Rights Movement. After many days of thinking it over, Baker declined, saying her children were "too young to lose their mother" -
Surrealism in literature can be defined as an artistic attempt to bridge together reality and the imagination. Surrealists seek to overcome the contradictions of the conscious and unconscious minds by creating unreal or bizarre stories full of juxtapositions.
For example, what has a lobster got in common with a telephone? Why paint a fish flying? Dali (one of the most famous Surrealists) once wrote, ‘I do not understand why, when I ask for a grilled lobster in a restaurant, I am never served a cooked telephone’.
Surrealism is meant to be strange and shocking. It is meant to push the envelope in a way that forces people out of their comfortable ideas, so much so that it has even been known to cause riots. While the idea of surrealism is complex, surrealist literature does have common characteristics.
Surrealist literature will have contrasting images or ideas. This technique is used to help readers make new connections and expand the reader's reality, or rather the reader's idea of what reality is. They pull from Freudian ideas of free association as a way to steer readers away from societal influence and open up the individual's mind.
Surrealism also uses poetic styles to create dreamlike and fantastic stories that often defy logic. Rather than incorporate the normal prosaic structure like linear plots and structured settings, surrealism uses poetic techniques, like leaps in thinking (free association), abstract ideas, and nonlinear timelines.
In my type of surrealistic pieces of art, I am trying to express and combine real with unreal. There will be things you see up close to the painting, but once you'll step away, you'll see more or even other things. It's just a creative and other way of thinking. Still there are many new ways to discover within the surrealistic ways of art. To combine dreams and fantasies, helps us, so I believe to open up our minds for another and free way of thinking. To make the impossible possible. Just give each day another color, every person and animal another face, just to see that there are diferences.
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If you read it literally, it is better understood. We go out of the normal daily. Criticize what is good and what is bad, what is possible, what is not possible, etc. But who says how to do it? In this painting, things are depicted that exist, but at the same time are different, or so to speak do not belong to our idea of the normal. Leave everything and everyone in its value, that's the message. -
Styles For children
What better way to inspire the imagination of a child than to put beautiful, creative images on the walls they see everyday?
Young children love to point and identify the animals, subjects and scenes depicted in a mural. As your children grow, the mural art reflects back what they love most about the world real and imagined.
Some of the murals I did were done on walls of Kidsclubs. They're very often simple, but there's no better way to make a child smile.go back
drawing with pencil
I draw on critical realism to explain emotions and expressions. Faces are the basic part of the human body and can display a wide variety of emotions.
The human face is most often the focal point of an artwork, and one wrong stroke can portray a piece in the complete wrong way.
Drawing a face correctly is a huge challange. You need to work on the shape of the eyes, lips and all that helps to get the right impression of a person. My works with pencil are fine in every detail.
I try to use different lines and shades to create a warm look to explain itself in the final result.go back
drawing with ballpoint
I draw on critical realism to explain emotions and expressions. Faces are the basic part of the human body and can display a wide variety of emotions.
The human face is most often the focal point of an artwork and one wrong stroke can portray a piece in the complete wrong way.
Drawing a face correctly is a huge challange. You need to work on the shape of the eyes, lips and all that helps to get the right impression of a person. My works with ballpoint are detailed, but in a stronger way.
The shades are harder to create, but for me it's a challange to make them warm enough to point out the right face.go back
The word "caricature" essentially means a "loaded portrait". I think caricatures and cartoons are the same thing.
The difference between the two that I see is this: a caricature is simply a cartoon of someone or something that the viewer can recognize as a specific someone or something.
As soon as someone known by the viewer is seen in a cartoon, it becomes a caricature. Personally I try using the realistic eyes of the person and outline the rest in a funny way.go back
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